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Tuesday Night Men's Format and Information 2024/25 Season


Tuesday Night Men's Format and Information  2024/25

 Welcome to Springbank Tuesday Night Men’s League!

League play will commence on the Tuesday, October 1, 2024 with draws at 6:45 and 9:00pm.  There will be 22 nights of curling with a two week break at Christmas (December 24 and 31). Tuesday Night Men's League play will conclude on March 11, 2025. 

Annual fee for each team is a flat $1672. Note for players that register at other curling clubs: the Curling Alberta player fee of $17 is embedded in Springbank Curling Club team fee, so you can opt out of this fee at other clubs.

The registration process will be on-line again this year: All curlers must complete an on-line registration form, select a league and add  the skips name and acknowledge the Curling Canada Waiver. If you are having problems, please reach out to the Tuesday Night Coordinator - Greg Hartman [email protected]

League Format:

There will be two divisions for Round 1 - Gold and Silver - 10 teams in each division playing 9 games.  After round one teams will be reseeded based on points earned in the previous round. 

Please ensure to double check the ice that you are supposed to play on when you get to the club - via the website.  Start your games on time and we encourage "be ready" curling - leads, seconds and thirds should be ready and in the hack when it's their turn to deliver their stone, please limit the discussion time for shots and limit 2 players in the house to discuss shots when skips are ready to shoot. The number of ends played within the 2 hours of ice time is determined by the buzzer system. The buzzer rings 95 minutes after the start of the game. After the buzzer, finish the end you are playing and play one more end.

Please remember to reach out to the spares on the spare list if you are short - there are a number of eager players who are happy to get in a game.Your team is ok to play with 3 players.  If you absolutely cannot field a team, let the opposing skip know as soon you are sure of it - phone numbers are available under Club Information/Member Search in the Member Menu, and emails can be generated there too. 

We continue to use the 5-rock free guard zone, meaning that you cannot remove an opponent's stone from the free guard zone prior to delivery of the 6th rock of the end.  If you are interest to check out the details, you will find them here: https://www.curling.ca/about-the-sport-of-curling/getting-started-in-curling/rules-of-curling-for-general-play/
Please submit your result as soon as possible after the game to [email protected] or text 403-390-8039 and we will update the standings. The actual score is not required, just the winner and loser of the match.Points will be awarded to each team according to the table below, and the aggregate point total on the season will be used to select the team to challenge for a spot in the Club Championship Playdown, and to determine seeding in the playoff round.  
Division "A"
Division "B"
Division "C"

Important Dates:

October 1 - First night of Tuesday Night Men's League curling

Dec. 24 & 31:  No Curling  --- (Last day of curling in December is 17th)

Jan.7th, 2025:  Curling resumes 

March 11th, 2025:  Last Night of Curling

Men's Club Champion Playoff (Winner Tuesday Night will be declared Men's Club Champion)

 For more information, if you have any suggestions or comments, or if you would like to volunteer for the Club or the League, please contact Greg Hartman at [email protected].

Good Luck and Good Curling!

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Springbank Curling Club

32224A Springbank Road
Calgary, AB Canada T3Z 2L9

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Club Information

The Springbank Curling Club is a non-profit volunteer organization that runs various curling leagues and programs at the Springbank Park For All Seasons.

If you’re a beginner or championship-bound, young or old, Springbank has a curling league for you. Join by yourself or with your team. In our warm and friendly club, you will quickly find yourself "at home at Springbank".

© 2025 Springbank Curling Club. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com